Mic no longer working on Windows 10 ? – Here’s the Solution. (For FeenPhone and for all apps)

So the latest “Improvement” in Windows 10 (updating to version 1803, you know, the update you can’t skip unless you pay for the enterprise version), has the wonderful “feature” of disabling the microphone for all apps, EVEN APPS YOU WANT TO ACCESS THE MICROPHONE. So…

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Why it’s not as simple as you’d think to remove all past, present, and future comments.

. WordPress is great software, but it’s curated by one-worldy Frisko liberals. . Never has that been more apparent than tonight when, after two years of getting yelled at by entitled assholes who demand things for free, I decided to finally close comments and remove free…

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If you’re hearing the word “Trial” in a woman’s voice every few seconds.

It’s not fucking FeenPhone, so stop trying to tell us it is. It’s your trial version of Virtual Audio Cable expiring. . We’ve had two people think this is FeenPhone. It’s not. It’s something else that podcasters use, sometimes with FeenPhone. Apparently the female voice…

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Samson Q2U USB Microphone with Headphones mic for FeenPhone, podcasting, radio and YouTube videos

Summer 2016. NOTE, YOU’LL NEED THE MIC, ALSO THE RECOMMENDED MIC STAND AND FOAM WINDSCREENS LINKED BELOW. GET ALL THREE. IT’S PART OF A SYSTEM THAT WORKS GREAT TOGETHER. I can fully recommend this mic: Samson Q2U Handheld Dynamic USB Microphone with Headphones and Accessories….

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FeenPhone FeenBook now saves passwords!

The phone book feature or “FeenBook” has been available in FeenPhone for some time (tutorial here.) But as of the July 16th 2015 version, you can also save passwords in the FeenBook. Here’s how. After you’ve entered and saved an IP/port combination, right click on…