FeenPhone FeenBook now saves passwords!

The phone book feature or “FeenBook” has been available in FeenPhone for some time (tutorial here.) But as of the July 16th 2015 version, you can also save passwords in the FeenBook. Here’s how. After you’ve entered and saved an IP/port combination, right click on…

Alternate method of Autostarting FeenPhone as a server

(See our other article here) Here’s an alternate method. Put your CMD arguments into a text file: “C:\Program Files (x86)\FeenPhone\FeenPhone.exe” -servertcpport=5600 -starttcpserver -pass=worms Save as file name ff.txt change extension to .bat, i.e. ff.bat Drop file into the startup folder. On Windows startup, will open…

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New much better FeenPhone version up now!

Thank you, Derrick!. (If you have a previous version, uninstall it first.) DOWNLOAD FeenPhone 7/16/15 beta. Click the Feen bird to download: Version name: beta v0.3.5675.23000 File name: FeenPhone_Setup_7_16_2015.msi MD5 Checksum: 6440d5500a56bc7bcb8c3f520fcf15b8 Release date: 7/16/15 HERE’S WHAT’S DIFFERENT and NEW: Short form: –Better codec setting,…