Priority list of improvements for FeenPhone, June 30, 2015

Now that Porcfest is over, Derrick will have some more time to perfect FeenPhone. Here’s the working list:

DO FIRST (imperative and/or easy):

check: does the AT2005 USB mic work with Win 10? Try it with FeenPhone and actually call someone else. Need to know for FeenPhone documentation.

–Mouse over tool tip description for desktop icon and StartMenu icon still says:

“Free open-source software for real-time high-quality remote podcasting, radio and voiceover” (replace “open-source” with “NoGov”)

–Fix issue with Passwords,. currently causes errors when you log in. Should be seamless. This is VERY important.

— Save / insert passwords capability in FeenBook; Can we add a function easily to save passwords and insert them automatically with the IP and Port? After months of real-world testing, I’ve found it would be great. And I don’t really care about it violating best practices.

— Hitting buff dump resets volume to highest. Fix so it doesn’t.

— Hide underruns, dropped, skipped – put these in Advanced Features. They’re confusing and unneeded to the average user.

–why does server tab say “ports” not “port”? Should it say “port”?

–Add one-direction only option, to run FeenPhone as a studio-to-tower link.

–Let’s add a low-bandwidth opus setting. Might be good when there is network congestion, and should still sound pretty good, since it’s opus with no audio fluffing.

–Ability to start with Windows running server and saved password inserted. (Like for GCN FeenPhone server.)

–credit Shawn the guy that did some code cleanup on git-hub


DO NEXT. These are more complex to implement, but are the most important for making FeenPhone a “must have”, and for making it future proof:

–We’ve GOT to get rid of the audio gaps. Add some kind of network correction. Not audio correction. Might actually be solved by getting the WASAPI in to work finally for Audio In, wouldn’t that cut the latency down from like 90 ms in each direction (what I’ve been using) to like 10 ms

Derrick said “Yes, I think it may have more to do with audio drivers than anything.”

Derrick said “I can set priority of the program from within the program if we find it helps”

–Add IPv6 support. Important for future proofing.

Volume issues:

–I think the volume sliders in FeenPhone for the other connected co-hosts are too logarithmic and need to be linear.
When we’re connected to GCN, the GCN feed slider has about 90% of its volume in the first ten percent of the slider when
coming up from zero. It makes it very hard to fine-tune it. This makes people more likely to miss coming in our out of a break, because
we turn the ads down too far during the breaks and don’t hear it when the show comes back in. If you listen to last night’s show, there’s a very good example of where the new Diana did that.
It should work the way a slider on the physical mixer works, i.e. every same increment of raised distance on the slider raises the volume
that much. That makes it very easy to turn it down to a precise volume where you can talk over it with your hosts during a break, but it’s
not so quiet that you don’t hear it and miss when the show comes back.
Fixing this is an important fix that I should have included in the master list. I forgot about it until we did a five-person show last night.
–Another thing we should add is a volume boost option. When I have co-hosts without mixers, when they are USB mic only but I’m using a mixer and we all connect to the GCN FeenPhone server, the board op always says I’m a good volume and everyone else is too quiet. It makes it hard to mix. I have to turn down to a less-than-optimum volume to match anyone. Maybe add an actual gain boost in FeenPhone and have zero gain added or removed be when the sliders are halfway up, and anything above halfway boosts, anything below halfway cuts.
Maybe it should be able to be toggled off in advanced options and have the default to be off, because unskilled users could make their sound a lot worse if they use it and don’t know what they’re doing. But skilled users, even slight skills, working with a remote board op or co-host who IS skilled could use that boost to a big advantage. I’m not sure how much the boost would be, maybe double (6Db), maybe more, maybe less.. basically we’d see what that mic measures at with a person with a good radio voice talking into the mic a few inches off, then make the boost enough to bring that up to robust without distortion.
Thoughts? It really would make FeenPhone more a piece of pro audio gear. Trying to do remote radio with no pre-amp on the mics is not pro audio. I mean, there is a little bit of pre-amp built in the mic, but it’s the mic could be boosted more without distortion. Pro audio best practises is to send the highest volume without distortion that you can over the wires rather than sending a lower volume and having it boosted on the other end (that boosts noise more.) Sending a stronger signal will give the board op or co-host recording on the other end more signal and less noise to work with.
–As for dream additions, do you want to try to put in that Toggable gentle EQ boost at 12hz as an advanced option?

Of these three, the first two are most important (liner sliders and adding a volume boost option), and the EQ boost would be least important, but still very good, especially if it’s not hard to add while adding the volume boost.


–ability to automatically try reconnecting if connection is lost.

–Ability to roll over to a second pre-set IP if first connection is lost.

–Ability to mute and block persons in conversation.

–Advanced Option: Toggable gentle EQ boost at 12h
–Automatic port forwarding.
–Recording (more info HERE)

–Encryption. (with more robust password authentication. Could really make FeenPhone a killer app outside of the radio / podcast realm.

FINALLY: PORT TO OTHER OSes, make for-sale versions for Windows Store, Android Store and Apple Store. Get listed on those stores. Watch as the millions of dollars roll right in. lol.




Posted in Tech   

Author: Feeny McFeenFace

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