How to run FeenPhone on your Mac computer with VMware Fusion

(For alternate method, using VirtualBox, look here.) .

I’ve grown tired of people demanding “MAKE FeenPhone WORK FOR MY _________ DEVICE!” It’s actually become a series of memes by people who have heard me complain. But Dr. Crab Crabinstein found a way to do it, and it only takes 34 easy steps! I tested it with him running it on his Mac, he sounded good. It works. So here’s his guest post:

Today we will be discussing Running FeenPhone on a Mac. Please be aware that this will be for newer macs. (Any Mac with a 64-bit Intel processor. Compatible with Core 2 Duo, Xeon, i3, i5, i7 processors or newer. Mac OS X 10.8.0 or later, Mac OS X 10.8.5 or later recommended.) 1

1. Download VMware Fusion free trial (Select either version. Pro is more expensive if you choose to buy after 60 days).

2. Download Windows 10 free beta Preview (Visit Download Links and select Language)
3. Open the .DMG file that downloaded.
4. Double Click to install.
5. Once Installation is complete, please select “File” at the top of your screen and then select “New”.
6. Choose “Install from disc or image” and click continue.
7. Select “Use another disc or disc image”.
8. Select the Windows 10 Preview ISO file that you downloaded earlier and then click “Continue”.
9. Select “Finish”
10. “Save” the VM.
11. A Fusion window showing Windows 10 should have started up. If so, click “Next”.

12. Select “Install now”

13.Select “I Accept these terms” and then select “Next”

14. Select “Custom: Install Windows Only (advanced)”

15. Select “Next”

16. Select “Use Express Settings”

17. Select “Create a new account”
18. Scroll to the Bottom and select “Sign in without a Microsoft account”
19. Enter a User Name under ‘First Name’ and then select ‘Next’
20. Click the blue “e” icon on the bottom of the windows taskbar (this will open internet explorer).
21. Type into the address bar in internet explorer.
22. Select “Download” from the feenphone website, located on the upper left quarter of the page.
23. Select the “Black Bird in the Yellow Circle” picture.
24. Select “run” at the bottom of the internet explorer browser.
25. Select “Next”
26. Select “Next”

27. Select “Next”

28. Select “Next”

29. Select “Install”

30. Select “Yes”

31. Select “Finish”

32. Select the “X” on the upper right corner of internet explorer to close it (Select close all tabs if given the option).

33. Double Click “FeenPhone” icon the desktop.

34. Visit: and read it.

You’re done.

Posted in Tech   

Author: Feeny McFeenFace

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