FeenPhone source code on GitHub, + a new, better version of FeenPhone

Great FeenPhone wallpaper to commemorate the launch on GitHub! (Click for large version.)
Great FeenPhone wallpaper to commemorate the launch on GitHub! (Click for large version.)


FeenPhone Source Code Now on GitHub

Finally, we’re ready to share it. It’s HERE. It’s licensed BipCot NoGov License, version 1.
Non-Windows Developer Protocol Guide and block diagram coming soon. If you want to make a non-Windows version of FeenPhone, or a product derived from our code, we’d love to help you, at least with testing it over the Internet. Please post a comment below and we’ll be in touch.

New FeenPhone Version

Also, there’s a new version of FeenPhone, beta v0.1.5492.36528, on the Download page, HERE. (If you had another version installed, uninstall it first, using the Windows uninstaller. FYI, this version has its own uninstaller added in the program group.)
This version has been tested as stable on many Freedom Feens live radio shows, with two and three co-hosts, for a week now, and been tested off air even more. It rocks.
–Fixed wonky Audio Out volume slider
–Fixed issue of starting mic volume at very low setting
–Added uninstall link in program group
–Fixed bug in link in About tab, no longer cause crashing when clicked.
–Put version number at top of program interface next to program name.
We’ve also added a Quick-Start guide, here. It’s much shorter than the Full Manual. The Quick-Start guide should be enough to get anyone up and running if they’re already computer savvy and audio-smart. Of course, we still recommend everyone read the relatively short 20-Minute Audio School to get the most out of FeenPhone.
Next thing we’ll be working on is automatic port forwarding.

Author: Feeny McFeenFace